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Mariska Hargitay's (of Law and Order SVU) Website and blog for teens
The site provides sex ed for teens, by teens, as well as confidential access to adult experts to answer your questions about teen sexual health.
Get information on sexual health, relationships, and issues that affect teens today. Fin answers to you questions, and get helpful advice for making good choices in your life.
Planned Parenthood's Website for teens.

Helpful Organizations or call 1-888-not-2-late
Learn more about emergency contraception and where you can find it in your area.  or call 202-986-6093
Catholics for Choice (CPC) was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman's moral and legal rights to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health. 
The Guttmacher Institute offers a social science research perspective on sexual and reproductive health. A wide range of resources on many topics is provided on this site. 
The Joyful Heart Foundation was founded by Mariska Hargitay of Law & Law: SVU. JHF's mission is to heal, educate, and empower survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. 
The National Organization for Women has been supporting women's reproductive rights, ending gender discrimination and stopping violence against women. 
Planned Parenthood has health centers which provide reproductive health services and information in every state. You can also call 1-800-230-PLAN to locate a Planned Parenthood near you. 
RAINN is one of the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organizations. Search its crisis center listing page or call 1-800-656-HOPE.